Here is my list of AMCs (Appraisal Management Companies). I will add new listings as I come across them and try to add additional information about each company. Most of these listing I found while searching the internet and can’t give you much more information beyond the name and website. If anyone has any personal experience with any of these companies and would like to send me a review please do so.
48 Hour Network
Appraisal Management Online
Appraisal Broker, L.L.C.
First National Appraisal Management
SAMCO Appraisal Management Company, L.L.C.
Appraisal Management Company.Net
I know this is a bit old but I like the thought behind this. I think it is great you went through the effort to make this list and try to give appraisers a heads up. I found a site that is like your blog and with other appraisers adding input you get some great feed back on what is going on with the huge list of AMCs as well as appraisers adding their fees per job, per AMC so you can get an idea of what to expect and what to tell them for your fees. Please have a look at them as you may want to list them here for others to use as a resource. I use it and there are no fees. Keep up the good work!